“Ihr habt die Uhren – wir haben die Zeit!” (Afrikanisches Sprichwort) Gesund, glücklich verheiratet und einen Beruf, der Spaß macht. So stellte sich die Lebenssituation von Frank Hanisch 2010 dar. Trotzdem kündigt er und begibt sich auf eine Weltreise um, wie er sagt, Antworten auf...
It’s about time to add some more of the fun stuff I see and experience on my journey. Following five little stories enjoy: First: If you like, come and fight for your right. The Palestinian territory is not really a place you want to spend your life, neither do you have lots of reason to laugh. Poverty,... Read More »
The change of mood I had to go through on March 17th, 2011, 7:28 am I do not wish to happen to my biggest enemy. Some have experienced it, mostly so much worse than me. Imagine you are standing at Sao Paulo international airport waiting for a loved one. The board shows all the flight coming in with the... Read More »
When leaving the bus at the Namibian – South African border around 4am on this Saturday, March 12th, I get the chance to confirm my feeling on that girl sitting on the other side of the isle. Yes, I was right. She pulls out a German passport. Turns out Juliana is a police girl from the north doing... Read More »
Monday, March 7th, 4am in the morning and I am fully awake in my luxury 20 Dollar apartment in the north of Botswana. I use the time to write my diary and eat the rest of my pizza from last night – what a big mistake and how it leads to a worst case scenario. Three hours later, I am sitting in a full... Read More »
Thursday, March 3rd, begins with a heavy reminder that I am south of the Equator now and that it is March, meaning rainy season. It’s pouring down crazy but only for one hour while Louis and I have breakfast. Enough however for us to decide to make the trip now instead at night (to save hotel costs)... Read More »