“Ihr habt die Uhren – wir haben die Zeit!” (Afrikanisches Sprichwort) Gesund, glücklich verheiratet und einen Beruf, der Spaß macht. So stellte sich die Lebenssituation von Frank Hanisch 2010 dar. Trotzdem kündigt er und begibt sich auf eine Weltreise um, wie er sagt, Antworten auf...
Galapagos Islands – the sound of these two words alone make people dream, whether they know where and what it is or not. It sounds like paradise, like holidays, like white beaches. Those who paid attention in school know the name Charles Darwin, connect to Galapagos, to incredible species and untouched... Read More »
Traveling long distance can be done in very different ways, it’s the mixture that makes you experience the most. Taking the most local bus places you next to chickens, lets you freeze at night but also lets you meet people and get to know the culture. Sometimes however, you need to ride in style. Cruz... Read More »
As always when you book such organized tours you really buying a surprise package, wondering what`s in it, if you made the best deal and if everything will go as expected. The old lady we booked with seemed trustworthy but also a bit sneaky. Oh yes, she is, instead of “maximum 8” there are 15 of... Read More »
Last time we left La Paz we knew we would come back. This time we do not know but for a different reason you would think. Most backpackers in this region either come from Peru (Machu Picchu) heading via lake Titicaca south into Bolivia or visa versa. Since three weeks now, however, the border of south... Read More »
The bus ride from Uyuni to Potossi was enjoyable for two reasons. First it was a great scenic drive through Andean territory but more important it was a day ride and we were not tired as we slept so great in out cold shady hotel. I guess we were just tiered enough. Why do people go to Potossi, Bolivia?... Read More »