“Ihr habt die Uhren – wir haben die Zeit!” (Afrikanisches Sprichwort) Gesund, glücklich verheiratet und einen Beruf, der Spaß macht. So stellte sich die Lebenssituation von Frank Hanisch 2010 dar. Trotzdem kündigt er und begibt sich auf eine Weltreise um, wie er sagt, Antworten auf...
Have I already mentioned that I love wondering between extremes? On Tuesday, October 4th it was time for that again. “Now WHAT is THAT???” the young lady in here fancy dress of the ShangriLa asked me, trying hard to use a voice being rather surprised than discussed. It is a rucksack for backpacking... Read More »
Leaving North and South America as well as Cuba behind on to Asia the regular flights all go via Europe and I decided (as so often) to squeeze a few stops left and right into it. So I ended up in Düsseldorf, where my old McCain colleague and good friend Daniel lives now. His “nice to see you.” was... Read More »
I said 6am but my old lady from the casa particulares in Santiago de Cuba was worried and ripped me out of sleep at 5:45am. With that cushion and the cool breeze of the morning I could walk to the bus station watching a Cuban town wake up. No surprise, only friendly smiles or ignorance as they are waking... Read More »
I believed my stomach issues came from the excitement of flying to Cuba. No, it was the fear of “flying” to Cuba. Only one hour with Cubana Air but it certainly was one of the longer hours in my life. As some people kept reading I figured the smoke is just steam from the air-conditioning, more worrisome... Read More »
It is a long time ago that I actually not sleep at all through a night but I just had to use that winning streak at the poker table till the last minute. Fortunately Frontier Airways is a positive example of American flight service. So I can nap away to Denver, fill up with Panda Express and actually... Read More »