Here I post my regular diary. What I have expierenced, what I am thinking about and what I believe the world should know……
It’s about time to add some more of the fun stuff I see and experience on my journey. Following five little stories enjoy: First: If you like, come and fight for your right. The Palestinian territory is not really a place you want to spend your life, neither do you have lots of reason to laugh. Poverty, repression, fear and a great... Read More »
The change of mood I had to go through on March 17th, 2011, 7:28 am I do not wish to happen to my biggest enemy. Some have experienced it, mostly so much worse than me. Imagine you are standing at Sao Paulo international airport waiting for a loved one. The board shows all the flight coming in with the relevant comments on the right.... Read More »
When leaving the bus at the Namibian – South African border around 4am on this Saturday, March 12th, I get the chance to confirm my feeling on that girl sitting on the other side of the isle. Yes, I was right. She pulls out a German passport. Turns out Juliana is a police girl from the north doing some kind of exchange training... Read More »
Monday, March 7th, 4am in the morning and I am fully awake in my luxury 20 Dollar apartment in the north of Botswana. I use the time to write my diary and eat the rest of my pizza from last night – what a big mistake and how it leads to a worst case scenario. Three hours later, I am sitting in a full (and I mean full) bus, have... Read More »
Thursday, March 3rd, begins with a heavy reminder that I am south of the Equator now and that it is March, meaning rainy season. It’s pouring down crazy but only for one hour while Louis and I have breakfast. Enough however for us to decide to make the trip now instead at night (to save hotel costs) and so at 1pm the bus takes... Read More »