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So what’s my plan for this Monday, January 10th???? I have no plans and I enjoy it. Great cookies and chocolate milk followed by 2hours in the internet start this week for me but then I need to take a decision. Should I go for the Equator line which I passed yesterday coming here or should I go to the National Park (NP)? The Equator... Read More »
On my journey I have lost track of days and dates or at least they make no differences. Today it does as I go for a trip with Susanne and Lukas who belong to the working people. So its Friday, January 7th 2011, lunch time and we meet at their house. They have prepared pasta, I like it. As I will only go for a view days I prepared... Read More »
The minibus driver from Kitale really tried hard to kill his 14 passengers but after 5 or 6 nearby crashes and 2 hours I reach Eldoret and it takes me 4 minutes to feel the vibe of this city. What a change: no hassle, no strange looks at me, people (including women) in suits and other working clothes, big town atmosphere with infrastructure... Read More »
The new year starts relaxed with a good breakfast and some phone calls to Germany while Goody wants to get the bus ticket. Well, it would not be Goody if he had just bought tickets for the bus. Instead he comes back saying that his cousin will take us with him to Kitale in the evening. Goody and his cousins I wonder but he comments... Read More »
The following post might offend you but it has happened, it is part of my trip and therefore it goes into the diary, in the way I perceived it……….. Oh my god, I have to share this with you and if this story does not belong into the fun and odd category I do not know which one does. Even though my posts still need... Read More »